Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week in Review Jan. 9-15

Wow! So much has happened this week. I feel like I have learned so much in just three days of classes! On Monday morning, I flew back to JBU. I am glad that my flight was in the morning because I was able to see the ground from the airplane. God gave me a new picture of His Sovereignty. It was overwhelming to look out the window because the land just seemed to stretch on for miles. I pictured the earth as God's dollhouse, and God as the person playing and moving the people.

Monday afternoon and Tuesday were spent unpacking and preparing for the upcoming semester.

On Wednesday, classes began. It was great to get into a routine again. Wednesday is my busiest day of the week in term of classes; I have 5!
8:00-8:50- New Testament
9:00-9:50- Honors: English II
11:00-11:50- Plant Biology
12:00-12:50- Introductory Psychology
4:10-6:00- Student Leadership

I am looking forward to the New Testament class, just because one of my passions is the Bible. One problem that I noticed with my schedule is that my New Testament and Honors: English II classes are at opposite ends of campus, so I have to walk really fast to be on time, and I am so used to getting to classes really early that I feel like I am late, even if I am right on time. My Student Leadership class is bound to be the most challenging, just because it will get me out of my comfort zone.

To make up for all of the classes on Wednesday, I only have one class on Thursday: Honors: Western Civilizations II at 11:30, which is right after chapel. Speaking of chapel, it felt great again to worship with such a large body of people again. It just felt great to see lots of people raising their hands in worship.

On Thursday and Friday afternoon, I had work-study at the Boys and Girls Club from 3:00-6:00. I always feel so blessed whenever I go there. Just the smile and excitement of kids playing tag make my day.

Other "small" blessings that God gave me this week: pecan pie for desert, my friend Janeen, chocolate milk, sunshine.

This semester, I am currently roommate-less, which is turning out to be quite beneficial in terms of seeking the Lord. I don't have to worry about waking my roommate up at 5 in the morning. (Unlike most college students, I like to go to bed at 9 and get up at 5.)

Words I learned this week: philology, extant, lacuna, inconcinnity, putative, lackey, adumbrate, cowl, conjugal, deleterious. Now let's see if I actually remember all of them 2 months from now!

One of my StrengthsQuest is "Input," which means I like to collect things. For me, that "thing" is information. I just love quotes. Here are some that I enjoyed and found thought-provoking this week:

Others may do a greater work,
But you have your part to do;
And no one in all God's family
Can do it as well as you

"God comforts us not to make us comfortable but to make us comforters." John Henry Jowett

"Loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength does not mean just getting by. It means we are going at life with the intent of getting something of God out of it. If we are letting life happen to us, we are not finding God in it. Life does not 'happen' to anyone. We either find God in it or we muddle through somehow. There is no middle ground." John Fischer

The last quote is from my Plant Biology textbook: "The concept of intelligent design has recently been proposed to explain many complex phenomena. Its fundamental concept is that many structures and metabolisms are too complicated to have resulted from evolution and natural selection. Instead, they must have been created by some sort of intelligent force or being. This may or may not be true, but this does not help us to analyze and understand the world; instead, it is used as an answer in itself that prevents further study. Photosynthesis is certainly complex, and it may have been designed by some intelligent being; however, believing that does not help us to understand photosynthesis at all, and it does not help us to plan future experiments. In contrast, the scientific method is a means through which we are discovering even the most subtle details of photosynthesis." James D. Mauseth

Of course, I believe that God created the world, but I really enjoyed the author's point that we can't just assert that God is the Creator and stop there. No, we are still required to carefully study this world and the things that God has made. Too many times, we are often afraid to ask questions and study things, because we may enter into unknown territory, which makes us uncomfortable. It's okay to not have all of the answers; however, I also believe that God wants us to seek those answers by seeking Him.

One thing that I have been thinking about lately is the issue of prayer. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says, "Pray continually." However, it seems that once you pray for something, and you pray for it again, it could be seen as a lack of faith that God heard you the first time. So, if you'd like to respond and give me some of your input, that would be greatly appreciated. What does the discipline of prayer look like in your own life?

Blessings to everyone! Thanks for your love, prayers, and support!


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