Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chapel 5/31/11

Today, the last chapel song of the year was "Here I am to Worship." It was during this song at Camp Michawana that the Spirit broke my spirit, and I became really emotional. I ended up praying with a counselor and accepting Christ into my life. Thus, this song is very special to me. Today, when I was singing it, I was just praying in my spirit that whoever wasn't a Christian there would accept Christ, especially a certain someone. I know that God is working in that person's life and drawing the person to Himself. I hope one day the person will be able to proudly call himself/herself a child of God. Then I believe that the person's life will be a whole lot better than what it is right now.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Why I Need to Keep my Room Clean

Well, I need some motivation for keeping my room clean, so I thought that I would come up with a list of reasons for why I should keep it clean and organized. Here they are:

1. It will save me a lot of hassle in the future. I will be able to find my belongings faster.
2. It will be good practice for keeping my room neat in college.
3. I don't want to be embarrassed if people drop by unexpectedly.
4. It will honor my parents.
5. It will help me to be more disciplined, and maybe that discipline will flow over into the other areas of my life.