Monday, April 29, 2013


I'm sure that almost every woman has experienced the frustration of liking a guy, but the guy doesn't seem to notice her at all. [Who knows? Maybe guys experience this too, but I wouldn't know...since I'm not a guy.] Not only this, but it may also be that the guy notices everything but her. How frustrating! Well, God gave me insight about how this might mirror humans' relationship with God. All Christians have most likely heard how God loves them and wants to have an intimate relationship with Him. He'll send things along the day to remind people of His love. Yet, they don't seem to notice. In fact, perhaps they might notice His love, but then they'll choose to reject it in the name of doing homework or, worse (and all too common), doing "ministry." All throughout the day God gives people signs of His love, but they keep on turning to oftentimes worthless things. As a woman might be frustrated that her crush does not notice her, so too, one can imagine God's frustration when He continually pours forth His love upon people, and they don't notice or they reject it. But, remember, this is God we're speaking about; the human analogy does fall short. Humans didn't create the person that they have a crush on. Humans didn't die for the person that they have romantic feelings toward. But God did. Finally, humans can't love the way that God loves. Zephaniah 3:17 says, "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." How amazing! The Lord is calling out to you today. Will you notice and answer to the call of intimate fellowship, or will you leave God pleading, "I just want you to notice me"? Don't leave God frustrated.

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