Hello all!
On Monday night, I had a breakdown. I know what caused it, but I do not know exactly the events that led up to it or even what I was upset about. God had been telling me that He wanted me to change the way that I approached homework. I had been preparing two hours for every hour that was spent in class, which is the recommended amount. Yet, God was telling me that He wanted me to do homework on just a completion basis. Well, once I'm set in my ways, I'm set in my ways. I don't think I'm stubborn in a lot of things, but the things that I am stubborn about, I am extremely stubborn about. Even so, God did get ahold of me through the meltdown, and I finally conceded. I am learning that this completion approach to homework allows me more time to form friendships with other people as I am walking along the quad or in Mayfield. It allows me the flexibility to stop and pay attention to the needs of someone other than myself. Finally, it allows God to form and shape me in other areas of life, which are just as important, if not more.
On Wednesday, as I was walking back to my dorm after lunch, I passed by a portion of the quad that had leaves scattered across it, and it was just beautiful. It was so amazing that I had to just stand there for a minute and admire God's creation.
Another thing that I thought was cool this week was what happened on Thursday morning. Sometimes God will tell me to sing a certain song to Him as I'm walking from place to place around campus. The song that He gave me to sing as I was walking back to Mayfield after eating breakfast happened to be one of the songs that we sang in chapel later that morning. I love it when things like that happen!
Words I learned this week: arcane, soporific, prandial, panoply, jaded
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