Thursday, May 10, 2012

JBU: Head, Heart, Hand

    In the fall of 2012, I will be a sophomore at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Currently, I am undecided about what I am going to major in. There are so many different career options and things that I am passionate about. It also does not help that I am an innately indecisive person. I can picture myself working in the foster care system. I can see myself being a doctor or a missionary or perhaps a combination of both (which would enable me to possibly use my steadily-progressing Spanish capabilities). I also imagine myself teaching the Bible at a Christian university. Fortunately, I have about a year left before I actually need to choose a major.
    Even though I do not yet know what career path I will pursue, I can still rest-assured that I will have an awesome, holistic education because of John Brown University’s catchy motto: “head, heart, hand.” “Head” refers to the mind, or the ability to think. “Heart” refers to a person’s inner being or soul, and “hand” delineates the physical body. Thus, John Brown University’s goal, unlike other colleges which often focus more on the “head” aspect of a person, is to develop the whole person. This is done through challenging academic classes (head), chapels that draw people near to God (heart), and opportunities to serve in ministries, internships, and work-study positions (hand).
    Thus, even though I do not know specifically right now whether I will be a doctor, missionary, teacher, or foster care worker, I trust that I will be thoroughly equipped in whatever field that God calls me to in the end. Even though I do not know whether I will work with mentally and physically disabled people or teach college students the Word of God, I do have no doubts that John Brown University will provide me with an education that will give me an edge over the people who have only developed in terms of their head. I will be more than that. I will have developed holistically according to John Brown University’s motto of “head, heart, and hand.” This scholarship is sponsored by